More protests tonight
There is another protest in the Tel Aviv area against the government, the blockade and the military. This time there is a protest in Yafo (Jaffa) at 18:00 in Kikar HaShaon (where the clock tower is). See Facebook event link...
There is another protest in the Tel Aviv area against the government, the blockade and the military. This time there is a protest in Yafo (Jaffa) at 18:00 in Kikar HaShaon (where the clock tower is). See Facebook event link...
Jews and Arabs unite to protest against the Israeli government’s growing insanity and its attack on the Flotilla. Meet at 19:00 (7:00PM) outside the Ministry of Defense offices on Kaplan Street. I really don’t have anything else to say about...
You may have noticed that I keep going on about the fact that my Tel Aviv travel guide costs as much as a drink and I’m hoping to get very drunk soon when thousands of eager Tel Aviv future visitors...
What’s in the DIY Tel Aviv Guide? Here’s what: 1 Useful Stuff Getting more info / Jewish stuff (Kosher / Shabat / Holidays) / Conflict stuff (how safe is it?) / Internet / Phones / Money / Emergencies / Chemists...
In just under two weeks I will be heading back to London for a stint. The guide is almost done – the writing is done and all that’s left is to put the finishing touches on the final “design” (I’m...
Oh Florentin, my beautiful adopted neighbourhood! I love your scummy streets and the late night bars. I’ve only just returned here on Sunday, after having sublet a place off a friend in a different area, I returned on Sunday to...
One of the things that never fails to piss me off here is the fact that there is zero awareness of the meaning of cycle paths / bicycle lanes. OK, I’m being somewhat unfair. Some people get it (mostly cyclists),...
So today I met an ultra cool local graffiti artist and learned a few things about the local scene. I saw some really amazing works by both local and visiting artists and took lots of pictures. I got some really...
This week in Tel Aviv... Some parties, some gigs and a cool pre-Valentine's day yoga experience for couples.
Ok, so it’s actually in Holon, in the center for digital art, but it’s only a short taxi ride away from Tel Aviv. the opening is at 8PM and there’ll be lots of interesting stuff, including several live performances. You’ll...
Wednesday 27th (tonight!) New wave & dark 80s at Laika Bar from 21:00 (Nahlat Binyamin 29) Friday 29th 10:00 – 17:00 Clothes, shoes and accessories private sale. Huberman 20, 4th floor. This is in someone’s home, sort of like an...
I’ve been quiet on here cause I’ve been busy writing the actual guide which is shaping up really well. More interesting stuff from me soon, but tomorrow night there’s going to be a good Dubstep party at the Comfort 13...
Awesome drink #1: The Halva shake in Buddha Burgers. It was on the “December specials” sign, but they’ve crossed out the “December” and it’s still there. Let’s all order it so that it ends up on the normal menu. It’s...
Two interesting parties tomorrow night. The first one is at Laika bar, which is a “Youtube party”. They’ve hooked up some computers to the DJ stand and anyone can walk up, select a tune from Youtube and press play. Should...
In the Tel Aviv port area, there’s going to be circus acts and street performers doing their thing every Friday and Saturday from 12:00 – 16:00. Could be entertaining, most probably mostly for kids.
On January 16th, Niya Yoga in Florentin will be holding a “Green Saturday”. There will be a free vijnana yoga class (in Hebrew) from 11:00-12:30, then from 13:00 – 17:00 there will be a clothes, accessories and things swap shop...
Tomorrow, Thursday 7/1/2010 there will be a street party in Florentin to protest against the recent clampdown on street parties and even legal venues. Come to Florentin from 8:00PM to party and support the good cause of allowing people in...
Tonight at 18:30, meet at Rabin Square for a demonstration of solidarity with the people of Gaza. March to the Tel Aviv Musem, where the bulk of the action will be. A year after the “operation” in Gaza, Israeli war...
Well it’s New Year’s Day and after a rather drunken Sylvester party at some random place in Florentin, I am feeling somewhat dark. A good opportunity to share the opening titles from one of my favourite movies, Waltz with Bashir....
OK, so technically this is in Holon and not Tel Aviv, but as Holon is one of TA’s satellite cities and you can get there quickly enough on a Dan bus, then I do believe it counts. 50×70 Good is...