Tel Aviv party and event listings 2-8/4/17
A week full of festival fun, music, parties and more exciting things than you can shake a blog at. Check out the goods below. Sunday Vincent Cum live @ Rothschild 12 from 22:00. Free....
A week full of festival fun, music, parties and more exciting things than you can shake a blog at. Check out the goods below. Sunday Vincent Cum live @ Rothschild 12 from 22:00. Free....
Something for everyone this week, with a whole load of different, exciting things happening. Check em out below. Sunday Sorcerers Night is on as usual. Top quality comedy and magic. A highly unusual and fun evening. Full...
So many things going on this week! Several festivals, a few cheap clothing events, local and international gigs, plus awesome parties. It’s a good week to be alive and in town. Sunday From 22:00 the usual weekly...
Behold! Another busy week in Tel Aviv, slowly gearing up for the busy holiday season. Lots of cool shit going on, with plenty of weird things to interest just about anyone. Sunday The first of the TLV...
Guess what? I am back from my annual trip to the Nevada desert and ready to once again share with you the glorious listings of awesome events in Tel Aviv. Sunday Sorcerers Night is still going strong,...
After a week of struggles involving, among other things, a broken laptop, DIY Tel Aviv has risen like the phoenix to bring you another edition of the hippest event listings in town. Behold the wonder that is your week...
Blues, swing dancing and classical music join techno, trap and indie this week, for that special retro touch. Also, DIY Tel Aviv’s tip of the week – if you’re going to the beach, you’ll be wanting to bring vinegar with you...
Behold! Things are happening around town! You can be there too! From activism to gigs, art and even comics, it’s all in this post. Whatever you’re into, there’s probably something in it for you. Sunday Huge sale...
There is seemingly nothing special about this week, but do not be fooled! So many things going on. Here are the ones I thought were most interesting. Sunday It’s World Sauntering Day. The Tel Aviv meeting point...
So much sadness going on lately. A shooting in Tel Aviv, now the shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, which is still an unfolding situation as I write this. Always feels weird to talk about cool events when all this...
This week’s belated DIY Tel Aviv is coming at you from my layover in Rome, where I’m catching my connection from Barcelona. I love you guys, but I don’t love you enough to update this blog while I’m at Primavera...
It’s the week where Tel Aviv’s bestest film festivals kiss. Doc Aviv is on and will be followed by TLVfest. Lots of free (and not free) screenings everywhere. Also, the usual mix of music, shopping and parties. Enjoy 🙂...
A bit of a quiet week, nestled between Passover’s holiday and Independence Day parties and sporting the national Holocaust Day bang in the middle of it. Still, there are some fun things to do, as always. Sunday Balcony...
Parties! Gigs! Markets! Lots of good things in store this week. Watch out for a post on the DIY Tel Aviv Facebook page tomorrow (Monday) where there will be a competition to win a pair of tickets to the ZeZe...
Wow, this week’s got so much culture stuffed into it that you’re going to feel super sophisticated by the end of it. Check out all that jazz, dance, theatre and art coming your way! Today (Sunday) From...
Stop everything! The week is coming! Here’s some stuff to do in and out of the rain around town. Tonight (Sunday) Mexican fiesta @ Sputnik Bar from 19:00 – Live music from Malabi Tropical, more tropical music from...
This week is turning out to be a rather big deal with loads of stuff going on. So without further ado, I present you – stuff you’ll be doing this week if you can figure out which of the many...
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas from Tel Aviv, the city whose hipster population is probably putting more effort into celebrating Christmas than most Christians. Lots of good stuff happening this weekend, from some Jaffa holiday spirit to indie, nostalgic trash...
Happy week from DIY Tel Aviv! As usual, there’s lots of great stuff going on, so dig in and enjoy. 🙂 Today (Sunday) Electric Blue play live at the weekly Blues & Booz night @ Pasaz from 22:00,...
Come rain or shine, there’s plenty of stuff to do around town this week that’ll keep you away from our freshly contaminated beaches. We have music, art, free stuff and parties. Oh and food. Everyone loves food. ...