Tel Aviv Nightclubs 2023
Tel Aviv is party town and there are plenty of places to go dancing every night of the week. Big clubs, on the other hand, are not that common, especially now the world-famous Block Club has shut. There are a...
A list of recent and upcoming hip hop nights in Tel Aviv. For a full list of underground clubs and parties, download the full DIY Tel Aviv Guide.
Tel Aviv is party town and there are plenty of places to go dancing every night of the week. Big clubs, on the other hand, are not that common, especially now the world-famous Block Club has shut. There are a...
Your week is here! Lots to do around town as usual so let DIY Tel Aviv take you on a magical mystery tour of coolness. See below for your week’s event listings. Sunday The film Viva is...
Something for everyone this week, with a whole load of different, exciting things happening. Check em out below. Sunday Sorcerers Night is on as usual. Top quality comedy and magic. A highly unusual and fun evening. Full...
It’s a cold and windy day here in Tel Aviv, but if you’re looking for reasons to leave the house, I’ve got plenty! Check below for a list of Very Good Things to Do. And don’t forget to get your...
Thank fuck 2016 is almost over! I mean, I do realise chances are 2017 will suck even more, but for the next few days we can pretend this is just 2016 being a dick. So let’s celebrate the end of...
Well, I suppose now we’ve had our first storm, it’s “winter”. Israelis love pretending Israel has a winter, by dressing up in really warm clothes and eating soup. This week, you can join the soup festivities at not one, but...
Busy busy busy! Get your calendars out and get ready to catch this week’s parties, gigs and more. Check out the free swing workshop and brand new language exchange, too! Sunday Blues & booz returns to the...
This week is full of festivals, big gigs and parties. But there’s also art and vegan food just to keep things a bit more interesting. If you’re still awake, obviously. Sunday Blues & Booz is back @...
Yay! The hateful holidays are almost over! This week will see the end of the holidays, the end of bathing season and (if you believe Google Weather, which I’m not sure I do) some rain! Also, all these cool events...
This week may have Yom Kippur which kinda SUCKS (unless you have a bicycle, in which case you can just go for a ride), but it makes up for it with a whole big load of parties. Yup, this week...
Happy new year to all my readers and beyond. Here’s a weekly listing posts mostly full of parties. Because there are SO MANY PARTIES! There are other things happening too, but it’s mostly about the parties. So here’s to...
Another week has come! Get ready for some sweet action with a whole load of live music, plus some food, film and art. Sunday Two bands play live at the new Zimmer (Franzos 12) from 21:00 –...
Behold! Another busy week in Tel Aviv, slowly gearing up for the busy holiday season. Lots of cool shit going on, with plenty of weird things to interest just about anyone. Sunday The first of the TLV...
Behold! Another fine week has come bearing gifts! Feast your eyes on this selection of fine events to get you out of the house. Everything from music to film and beyond. Sunday Shiwa Biwa DJSs current African...
A busy week of excitement ahead with music, film, parties and even an animation festival! If you can bring yourself to brave the heat, you won’t be short of options. Sunday Afro-Caribbean night @ Sputnik Bar from...
Blues, swing dancing and classical music join techno, trap and indie this week, for that special retro touch. Also, DIY Tel Aviv’s tip of the week – if you’re going to the beach, you’ll be wanting to bring vinegar with you...
Behold! Things are happening around town! You can be there too! From activism to gigs, art and even comics, it’s all in this post. Whatever you’re into, there’s probably something in it for you. Sunday Huge sale...
Gonna be a busy week with the White Night hitting town on Thursday, but there’s plenty more stuff going on all over from sales to music and parties. Just don’t burn yourself out 🙂 Sunday Blues and Booz...
There is seemingly nothing special about this week, but do not be fooled! So many things going on. Here are the ones I thought were most interesting. Sunday It’s World Sauntering Day. The Tel Aviv meeting point...
It’s Pride Week! Pride is a huge big deal in Tel Aviv, because of the whole pinkwashing thing. Tel Aviv is obviously the only place in Israel where you can have a big Pride parade without being stabbed to...