This week is turning out to be a rather big deal with loads of stuff going on. So without further ado, I present you – stuff you’ll be doing this week if you can figure out which of the many exciting things you’re actually gonna go to.
Today (Sunday)
Free gig night @ the top bar of Levontin 7 from 20:00 – Or Edry (Reo), Yonatan Levital and a whole load more. Should be intimate and fun.
The weekly Blues and Booz night is moving to Radio EPGB for one week only. From 22:00. House band will play a set at the beginning, then there’ll be an open jam you can sign up to. Free till 23:30, then 10NIS (jam musicians get in for free).
Charlotte & Magon live @ Buxa from 22:00. Free.
Word of reggae music exhibition opening @ Kuli Alma / Kuli Gallery from 21:00 – prints, art and merch inspired by reggae music. You can buy limited edition stuff. There will also be a reggae party, as expected. Free.
Cousins play live at the Disco Mahshi night @ The Pasaz from 22:00. Then the usual Arabic / Middle Eastern music party. Free.
Trap and rap @ Radio EPGB from 22:00. Free. On the decks:
Moshik – Future Gang
OG Kush – Wavvy
Riot!, Nitzan Pincu’s girl power radio show on KZ radio is celebrating its 1st birthday @ Kuli Alma from 21:00. There’ll be a Spinster Sisters reunion gig at 22:00, Indie (and beyond) DJ sets from Quami and Dana Kessler and the new issue of the Riot Girl fanzine for sale (in Hebrew). Free.
Rabbits in the sand furndraiser party @ Deli from 23:00 – support your local electronic dance music camp coming to the Midburn regional burn later in the year! Meet some fun local burners. 20NIS. DJs:
Omer & Shaked
ILya Vs. Yoni D
Asael Weiss
Ronit Rolland live @ Levontin 7 – a special three part show with video art, dancers and performers from Bat Sheva and Mayumana and all kinds of other excitement. From 20:00. 50NIS on the door.
Designers’ night out @ Deli from 19:00 – young urban fashion designer fair with up to 50% discount on stuff. Designers include Monogami, Hili Ari, A.K.A Embroidery and Rock& roll, Alata and Skaletsky. Free.
Trilion supergroup debut gig @ Kuli Alma from 21:00. It’s got people from 3421, My Lord Sound and more. DJ sets from Kalbata and Kore Dada. Free and full of sexy bass and trippy beats.
The Alphabet has Ana Haleta, Narkis Tepler and Tami Bibring playing techno and house and related things from 22:00. Free.
Meuban live @ Radio EPGB from 21:00. Free.
New Holy Lindy Land swing dance course starts. You can sign up by Wed the 20th. Hebrew registration and info form here, but you can also email them to get more info and sign up.
Quilting and tie die exhibition opens @ Hanger 2 in the Jaffa port (next door to the Container). Doors open at 19:00 for the exhibition which is free. The performance space will also host a show at 21:00, which is an African homage to the story of Genesis, with live music and African dance. Tickets are 90NIS if you call 03-9021563 and quote code 987 (the Facebook friends code) by Monday the 18th. Otherwise 110NIS.
Oh look, it’s international hug day. If you need a hug, head down to Habima square from 20:00. There will be a group hug at 20:15 to start you off on your hugging spree.
Some sort of Lithuanian themed night @ The Zimmer from 20:00:
Suicidal Furniture — instrumental aliens
Azor — psykadellic lovers
Deaf Chonky — will be playing with a lithuanian twist
dj dj dj acowgrl
Internet user – a solo show by Elinor Salomon, plus a video / sound art installation by Goni Riskin @ the Gabirol art gallery from 20:00. Free.
The mysterious Pitkit house (corner of Franzos and Schnitzler) has a 10NIS band showcase night:
Saint God
Arpadim Satlanim
the pSychoTic bEacH BuMs
Another one of the awesome art and print sales at the new Hanasich Hakatan place on Rashi 17 (corner of King George). From 11:00 – 16:00. Free. You can see pics of some of the gorgeous stuff for sale here.
The Roller Show live @ Yom Tov Cafe from 15:00 – handy if you’ve just done your Friday shopping at the nearby Carmel market.
Strawberries, cream and champagne party @ Ijo & Babet from 21:00.
Blues party @ Haezor from 21:00. Full details here.
Kolot me Africa mixtape launch, plus Yossi Fine @ Sputnik Bar from 20:00 – the evening will open with a live lecture / demo by Fine, a globally renowned bassist who’s worked with some of the greatest African musician around. This will be followed by African music, hip hop, beats and bass.
The lovely Gitla launching her debut album @ Tmuna Theatre from 21:00. Tickets 50NIS in advance from 03-5611211
A screening (with a Hebrew lecture at the beginning) of the beautiful film, Daisies, by Vera Chytilová @ the Tel Aviv Cinematheque. Full details here.
Isrotrash @ Levontin 7 from 22:00 – Trashy Israeli synth pop. Live music from EZB, Photomat and Haser 46. DJ Evgeni Chertkov on support. 30NIS.
Fafa Galoure live @ Container from 21:30. Full details here.