The olive harvest needs YOU

activism Please see below a message from Rabbis for human rights. No, you don’t need to be Jewish to help out 🙂

The olive harvest season will start on Friday, October 5th, Chol HaMoed Sukot.

Every year at this time Palestinian farmers from a number of villages across the West Bank receive threats to their safety, are denied access to their land or have their olives stolen, their trees poisoned, or even cut down altogether.

The olive harvest is one of the most important annual economic events in the West Bank. The actions of those who aim to prevent farmers from taking in the harvest have a significant impact on the ability of many Palestinians to sustain themselves and their families, and to remain on the land.

Every year, Rabbis for Human Rights sends out volunteers to act as a buffer between Palestinian farmers and those who threaten their livelihood. Together with people from all over the world, we join in the harvest, demonstrate our solidarity, and sustain the ability of Palestinian farmers to remain on the land.

We would love for you to join us this year. Whether you’ve been coming for years, or this will be your first time, please contact us in the coming weeks to let us know of your interest. Once we have further details regarding dates and times, we’ll be in touch with more specific information.

Please send us an email expressing your interest to, or give us a call.

Yonatan (afternoons only please) at 050.202.5997
Rabbi Yehiel Grienimann at 050.211.0639.