The olive harvest is coming. Care to lend a hand?

activismIn less than a month, the Palestinian olive harvest will begin in the West Bank. The olive harvest is a massively important time for Palestinian farmers who make their living from selling the olives and olive products. It’s also an extremely sensitive time, as every year the farmers are bullied by local settlers who regularly use various means to stop farmers from accessing their lands and even resort to cutting down / poisoning trees and worse.

Rabbis for human rights, an Israeli organisation relentless in pursuing justice and human rights for all is once again sending out volunteers to help with the harvest. Local Israeli and international presence often allows farmers to go about their work without trouble and they can always use more hands.

If you’re in the country in October and think you might be interested in helping out (or finding out more about this) then visit the RHR website and sign up via this link.

You can also email them on:
Or call 02-6482757 for more info.

2 Replies to “The olive harvest is coming. Care to lend a hand?

  1. It goes to their site. Not sure what happens on their site once you’re there. You can email or call them to sign up if their link is broken.

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