The 2020 edition of DIY Tel Aviv is here!

New year, new decade, blah blah blah. The most important news of the day is, of course, the fact that the new edition of the DIY Tel Aviv guide is finally here.

2019 was a strange and often difficult year in the ever-shifting DIY Tel Aviv towers, and as a result you had to contend with the 2018 version for an extra year (still a better love story than Lonely Planet). But now, we can put all that behind us and look forward into the future…with this brand new edition full of cool, up-to-date stuff! As always, the new edition is up on this site first, so head over to the download page and get yours.  You can also get the Kindle version on Amazon, where you’ll soon be able to buy the paperback version as well.

This year is DIY Tel Aviv’s 10th year in business, having launched as a humble ebook in 2010. I never thought the guide would outlive so many of Tel Aviv’s underground cultural gems, but there you go. Everything changes, especially this city. But one thing that never seems to change is Tel Aviv’s capacity to renew. Here’s to 10 more years of finding and sharing awesome places for you guys to visit.